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Revised procedure for students to file online Anti-Ragging Affidavit

Executive Committee of Dental Council of India in its meeting held on 16th and 17th Nov. 2021 considered that DO. No. F3-2/2021(ARC) dated 27.10.2021 from the Secretary, Universit Grant Commission, New Delhi thereby forwarding a copy of the revised procedure for students to file online Anti Ragging Affidavit.

Step 1: A student will submit his/her details on the same websites ( and as before; read and confirm that he/she and his/her parents/Guardians have read and understood the regulations on curbing the menace of ragging. He/She will confirm & agree that he/she will not engage in ragging in any form. (Step 1 is the same as before).

Step 2: The student will receive an EMAIL with his/her registration number and a web link. The student will forward the link to the email of the Nodal Officer ( (Please note that the student will not receive pdf affidavit and he/she is not required to print & sign it as used to be the case earlier)

Step 3: The Nodal Officer in the university/college can click on the link of any forwarded emails that he/she will receive from any student of his/her college to get the list of those students who have submitted Anti Ragging Affidavits/Undertakings in his/her college. The list will be updated every 24 hours.

Step by Step Guide On How To Fill An Online Anti Ragging Undertaking on


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